山东茂隆新材料科技有限公司 2021-04-05 1724
摘要: 针对云南曲靖至嵩明(小铺)高速公路改扩建
工程建设过程中对沿线居民出行产生的影响,从施工保通组织设计出发,提出改扩建高速公路施工保通设计的目标、原则和措施,尽量降低项目建设过程中对沿线居民出行的影响,减少交通拥堵,确保建设期既有道路的正常运营。abstract: aiming at the impact on the trip of residents along the highway in the process of reconstruction and expansion of yunnan provincial qujing-songming(xiaopu) highway, the goal, principles and measures of construction traffic-keeping organization design of reconstruction and expansion highway are proposed from construction traffic-keeping organization design, so as to minimize the impact on the trip of residents along the highway in the process of project construction, reduce traffic congestion, and ensure the normal operation of the existing road during construction period.